Sunday, March 28, 2010


Greece is beautiful and cool, and everyone is so nice! It is incredible to be here! Today we went to the site of ancient Delphi (you know - the oracle, Apollo... it's famous...) - and since it was Sunday, we got in for free! Thank you, Sunday!

We walked there from our hotel, which was in modern Delphi, on a hillside about 500m from the ancient site. On our way, flags:

We were so excited! This was about to be an ancient site that WASN'T in Egypt! So, not exactly new, since we've been seeing tons of Greco-Roman period things, but still. Different in an important way. Also, Hillary is helping me learn how to read modern Greek. See? It says "EISODOS" as well as "ENTRANCE."

Greece is just too green and beautiful!

This is IT: this is where it all happened! There is clearly not much left, but still, how exciting to think about all the prophecies from all the old plays happening RIGHT HERE:

You understand why everyone would travel so far to get there. And how incredible it must have been to travel here for days across this shockingly beautiful area - of course you would believe there could be an oracle living here. Any god would want to live here!

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